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What Is An Executive Producer - How It Works and How You Find Them! | A Women Make Movies Webinar

  • May 12, 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • online

We recognize this title as a top position, including the presentation credits of any film, but what is their role? Do they raise the money, invest in, or put up the financing of film, or all of the above? Will some EPs shop the project? Do they own the copyright? We’ve invited Impact Partners’ Executive Director Jenny Raskin, also a multi-award-winning Executive Producer (AFTERSHOCK, US KIDS, PROCESSION), who will break down and define the many things an Executive Producer does, is, and can be. We will discuss how to find them and work with them successfully.

Women Make Movies is offering WIFVNE members a discounted ticket price of $20 for this session, or discounted admission to the full series ($75 60): PRODUCING FOR DOCUMENTARY FILM. 

Check your WIFVNE Members Only email for the discount code.

Register to attend Thursday, May 12 at 12:00 pm ET / 9:00am PT

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